Snake Headwaters
Fish Famously Pristine Waters
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Fish Vibrant Headwaters
The Snake river is a favorite spot for keen eyed nymphers, wade fly fishers, wind whipped rafters and river guides, and adrenaline seeking kayakers alike. In the world of fly fishing, the most important aspect of the Snake river is its head waters. The headwaters of the snake river are world renowned for their pristine clarity and they lead to heart lake which pierces nearly into the center of Yellowstone's eco system.
Come book a guided fly fishing trip with us in one of our favorite blue ribbon filled ecosystems.
I have been fishing with GYFO for several years now. I simply can’t say enough good things about this company and especially Chad Olsen and the other guides we have had. They work extremely hard by rowing all over the river to try to get you on some promising spots to toss your fly. All day long too. Not just the first couple hours but all day long. Fun to be around, knowledgeable and nice. They are the BEST!! Call me with any questions about my great experiences with Greater Yellowstone Flyfishing Outfitters, GYFO.Ray DeLong
Telluride, CO
The Rivers and Lakes of the Snake River's Headwaters
The Snake river's headwater is as pristine as rivers come and they team with carefully cultivated and managed trout just itching to bite during your next fly fishing vacation. Come in the Spring, Summer, or Fall—it won't matter. Snake river fishing is all about exploring these abundant waters. They won't disappoint as you cast your line toward plentiful schools of spotted and cutthroat trout.
Heart lake is the source of the Snake River Headwaters. So, even though it's the smallest lake among our Yellowstone watersheds, it fishes with the best of them. Come fish Heart lake and soak in the soul of Yellowstone park as your stress and responsibilities melt into the gently rocking waves. Fish for rainbows and largemouth bass on heart lake.